Showing 1–12 of 145 results

Sharon Withers is an abstract landscape artist, sourcing inspiration from a range of beautiful locations. Sharon paints local Hampshire landscapes, sparkling Cornish seascapes, and locations further afield including Sri Lanka. The colour purple often appears in her work, lending a calming element to her dynamic abstract style. As large-scale artworks, Sharon’s oil paintings are statement-pieces by design, and make fantastic focal points in any room.

Tracey Thornton paints feminine abstract scenes, featuring collaged butterflies and hand-painted flowers. Purple tones often appear in her work, bridging the gap between pastel pinks and vibrant blues, to create truly harmonious works of art. Tracey’s cheerful colour palette makes for an uplifting collection of artworks, designed to refresh modern and traditional interiors alike. 

David Brett works with a range of shades and tones to deepen the “value” of his paintings, referring to a strongly-defined sense of shadow and light. His abstract landscape scenes subsequently have great depth, and offer an inviting focal point for home interiors. Purple tones appear in his work, amongst colorful pairings of blues, pinks, and greens for a vibrant selection of paintings.